13foxywolf666's avatar


past giving a flying fuck


Select at least 5 pairings that you like/ship. (You can do more, but since the meme asks a lot of comparative questions 5 is a good minimum. I’d recommend 10 be the max for sanity’s sake, but if you want to do more…)

They can be any kind of pairing. 100% canon, your true OCs, fan-character/canon-character, crack pairing, crossovers, one-sided crushes, same-sex, opposite-sex, polyamorous, etc. No limits, though if you cross the realm in pedo or bestial pairings the public reserves the right to call you a total sicko.

List them in no particular order below.

Answer the questions truthfully.


    1.      SkekSo & SkekCon & SkekAna

    2.      SkekMal & SkekNel

    3.      SkekVar & SkekEkt

    4.      SkekTek & SkekLach

    5.      SkekGra & SkekAyuk

    6.      SkekZok & Poison, Em, Becky, Stacy, and Karen

    7.      SkekAyuk & Gary, Andy, George, and Rob

    8.      SkekOk & Brea

    9.      SkekEd & SkekAna

    10.    UrDi & UrJekk


What universe are your pairings from? (If they’re from an established canon by another creator, name it. This is also where you indicate if they’re true canon, fanon, or true canon from a verse you created on your own.)


All are from Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, and all are fanon.


Are they married, affianced, steady boy/girlfriends, friends with benefits, dating, crushing, or any variation thereof?


    1.      SkekSo and SkekCon are bonded/married, and SkekAna is their mutual concubine.

    2.      They were a mated pair, but SkekNel DUMPED HIM.

    3.      Friends with benefits.

    4.      He’s hopelessly smitten, and she can barely stand the sight of him.  But she takes advantage of his feelings to boss him around and solicit favors.

    5.      They were pretty much married, but the relationship soured between SkekGra’s radical heretic ways and SkekAyuk’s increasingly slovenly lifestyle.

    6.      They are his harem, paid handsomely to entertain him and sleep with him.

    7.      Same as #6

    8.      He developed a huge crush on her, but not enough to save her from the Skeksis’ plan to drain Gelfling.

    9.      Occasionally hook up.

    10.    Bonded pair.  Pretty much married.


What inspired you to create the pairing? If it’s an established pairing in its canon, tell us why you like it so much.


    1.      I created SkekCon before deciding to go full Sue and insert myself, and since I based her loosely on a person I also find sexy and had too much fun with her character, I kept her in the picture.  I’m bi. Why not? ;P

    2.      I found the idea of Hunter SUFFERING amusing.  And she’s also based on another hot person.

    3.      Random interactions in an RP with Emily.

    4.      Because I’m terrible.  Someone had to find Pustule Polly hot!

    5.      It just seemed logical in the headcanon.  Especially that it didn’t work out.

    6.      That one goddamn scene in the show where he looks at a female Gelfling and says “it’s not about size, it’s about vigor,” and licks his beak obscenely.  Try telling me he was ONLY referring to her essence potential.  I don’t believe it.

    7.      Oh Pit Creewwww!!

    8.      Their interactions in the first episode of the show.

    9.      PTPPE.

    10.  PTPPE and the fact that Henry and Diana are a couple there.


What is their favourite activity/ies to do together? Describe an ideal date for them.


    1.      SkekCon and SkekAna tend to do more hanging out since SkekSo has imperial duties and other stuff going on, but the three of them like to have private dinners, carriage rides through the nearby forests (well SkekSo and SkekCon ride in the carriage while SkekAna flies overhead), and lots and lots of sexy times.

    2.      See the next question...

    3.      They don’t have much in common personality wise, but she likes brutish males and he likes an easy, good-smelling lay, so there you go.

    4.      Him professing his love, her calling him a gross nerd, her ordering him to wait on her hand and foot, him doggedly following her instructions, her physically abusing him if he gets too bold, and him rubbing her feet.

    5.      SkekGra boasting about his conquests while SkekAyuk half-listens, eating bon-bons and eyeing the ass of some buff Gelfling guard.

    6.      Hide and seek, erotic foodplay, the girls fucking off and finding some guards to hang out with, hottub action, etc.

    7.      See above. Replace girls with guys. And A LOT more foodplay.

    8.      Him reading to her from the scrolls in the forbidden library.  And later, him reading some of his… original writing. 😉

    9.      Some light bickering (or her saving him from SkekLach’s unwelcome advances), and some sexy times.

    10.  Talking, cuddling, reading together, beating a very thirsty and flirty old SkekGra off with a stick. (He crushes very hard on UrJekk and really doesn’t have a filter about it.)


How is their sex life? If they’re not banging, just ignore this question or write a random curse-word in the space for them. :P


    1.      Very good.  SkekSo and SkekCon love dominating their little pet. :P

    2.      Full of rage and hate, but pretty passionate.  He doesn’t come by the castle often, but when he does, there is usually a screaming match followed by throwing things and ending in wet, sticky hate-sex and Hunter begging her to come to her senses and come back to the wilds with him. Only to be brutally shot down yet again and result in him having a rage fit and breaking something expensive and killing some Podlings.

    3.      Lots of fun!

    4.      She dry-humped him once in her sleep while dreaming about SkekEd, and after getting turned down for the nth time by Ed, she grudgingly sat on SkekTek’s face so she could at least have a hands-free orgasm.  Other than those occasions and her requests for foot massages, she refuses physical contact with him and derives some pleasure in depriving him.

    5.      It was great until SkekAyuk got really lazy about it.

    6.      They all actually quite enjoy themselves.  He’s an obvious lech, but he does let the girls approach him at their own pace and caters to their specific kinks and boundaries.  Even Karen, who likes him the least, enjoys the job to some degree.

    7.      See above, only it’s very much for the money.  SkekAyuk is not very interested in mutual pleasure, just getting his rocks off.

    8.      They will tell you it’s amazing as hell.

    9.      Pretty good when it happens.

    10.  Lovely.  Mystics aren’t as wild as Skeksis, but they do enjoy each other physically.


Do they have/plan to have children. If so, how many? If they already have kids or you have specific kids planned for them, share ages and names.


1-10. HELL NO. Skeksis and Mystics are sterile in my headcanon anyway. Only their complete UrSkeks forms are capable of making more.


Do they have a happy ending in store for them? If their relationship ends, how so? (Death, divorce, break-up, etc.)


    1.      First SkekAna leaves the Skeksis to join the Resistance, which stings both her lovers badly.  Then SkekSo’s experiments with the Darkening cause his health to deteriorate badly and eventually kills him.

    2.      There’s the initial dumping that broke SkekMal’s heart beyond repair, and while she is pretty cold and horrible to him for the rest of his life, she is devastated when he dies at the battle in Stonewood.

    3.      He dies in Stonewood too.  She was pretty bummed out, though not utterly heartbroken.

    4.      His triumph over creating the Garthim was cut short when SkekLach’s bff SkekOk told him the news of her literally exploding in Stonewood.

    5.      Their relationship had been strained, but after SkekGra was banished it was damn well over.

    6.      When the draining began in earnest, the harem got the hell out of there.

    7.      Same.

    8.      When he prioritized the essence over true love, bye!

    9.      Not quite sure.  Depends on if he stays with the Skeksis or joins her in treason.

    10.  Very happy.  Once they return to their UrSkek selves, they go off together.


If any of the listed pairings is a fan-character/canon-character pairing, do you honestly think it could work if your fan-character was a canon character? Be totally honest. If none of the pairings listed are FC/canon, disregard this question.


    1.      I think SkekSo and SkekCon could work in canon.  My sona is more debatable, but you know what? Let a girl live her fantasy of being sandwiched between a disintegrating tyrant and his glamorous wife, m’kay.

    2.      This one would jive very well in canon.  Hunter is a bundle of raw nerves and anger, and since the Skeksis are all about power moves and backstabbing, it makes sense that SkekNel would get tired of running wild and want to climb the hierarchy.

    3.      N/A

    4.      N/A

    5.      N/A

    6.      If that one scene is an indication of how he sees Gelfling women, yes.

    7.      I have no basis for it.

    8.      N/A

    9.      Both OCs

    10.  Both OCs


Are there any canon influences that do or could possibly destroy the pairing’s likelihood? Examples: If they’re established by the creator, is there a romantic rival or possible force beyond their control that could break them apart? If they’re fan-made, either with canon characters or a FC/canon pairing, could they end up dead or are/could very likely in the future be paired up in an established canon relationship you don’t care for? Disregard this question for pairings from your own original universes. Since you’re in control of those I assume you approve of what you’re doing.


    1.      SkekSo will eventually die, but until then, why not let him have fun?

    2.      SkekMal dies.

    3.      SkekVar dies.

    4.      SkekLach dies.

    5.      Banishment.

    6.      All the Gelfling die/go into hiding.

    7.      All the Gelfling die/go into hiding.

    8.      All the Gelfling die/go into hiding.

    9.      He stays with the Skeksis?

    10.  Nothin.’


Do any of the pairings have what you would call a desirable relationship? I know we all have different definitions of that, but I’m referring to one built on mutual respect without a lot of bullshit drama or emotional baggage attached.


    1.      SkekSo and SkekCon have a very healthy marriage.  She’s poly, and he understands her need to have some fun on the side.  It is open on his end too in fairness, but until SkekAna comes along he abstains.  The three of them all work well together, and even incorporate some BDSM.

    2.      N/A

    3.      Usually it’s pretty good, but SkekEkt can be a tad bitchy when SkekVar gets with SkekNel.  Mostly because she doesn't like her.

    4.      N/A

    5.      At first it was healthy.  They liked each other and listened.

    6.      He treats them well, and their needs are met.

    7.      N/A

    8.      It was brief, and before the draining picked up, very sweet.  Too bad, so sad.

    9.      They don’t always get along, but it’s decent enough.

    10.  Love love love!


Are any of the pairings listed above actually bad relationships? Manipulation, abuse, infidelity, generally shitty people involved, etc.


    1.      N/A

    2.      Oh boy… She dumped him but still toys with his emotions and rubs the situation in his face.  He on the other hand has the coping skills of a toddler.  Throwing screaming tantrums, breaking things, tearing apart small animals.  They’re a heap of toxicity.

    3.      N/A

    4.      She’s a bitch.  He’s a creep.  She uses his puppy dog devotion for her benefit, and he tries to beg for more physical affection whenever he gets the chance.  Another barrel of toxic waste for the pile!

    5.      As time wore on, SkekAyuk kinda stopped caring.  He preferred to just eat and be pampered.  SkekGra’s eyes started wandering to people like SkekSo and SkekEd (who were not interested by the by), and SkekAyuk started paying guards to give him ‘favors.’

    6.      Even before all the draining began, the Skeksis had a power role over the Gelfling that gives a problematic tint to any Skeksis/Gelfling relationship.

    7.      See #6. Also he was totally not invested in them as people.

    8.      See #6.

    9.      Aside from some fights, not really.

    10.  N/A


And now for a bit of fun!

Choose two of your listed pairings. Just the first two that pop into your head.

1. SkekSo & SkekCon & SkekAna

2. SkekMal & SkekNel

Now answer the questions/scenarios below.


These two pairings have been swapped. Partner A of Pairing 1 is with Partner B of Pairing 2 and vice versa. What is their initial response to this sudden change of events?


SkekSo: Not this irritation again…

SkekNel: Hello, my Emperor. 😉


SkekCon: Great. We’re stuck with this stinky asshole. :roll:

SkekAna: *hides behind SkekCon* He smells like a diseased Podling died in a Landstrider ass-crack! :bleh:

SkekMal: *curled under a table making noises like an angry cat*


Would Partner A of Pairing 1 (PAP1 for short) be attracted to PBP2? How about the other way around?


SkekSo does find SkekNel aesthetically attractive, but her personality turns him off.  She on the other hand is very into him.


What about PBP1 and PAP2? Is there any attraction in that mash-up?


SkekCon did think SkekMal was handsome in his younger days, but now she’s over it.  SkekAna finds him terrifying.  He’s too obsessed with SkekNel to really give them much thought.  And there's his hygiene, or lack thereof...


Boners aside, would either of these pairings be compatible on a personality level?


Nope. Not at all.


If the pairings exist in different fandoms or universes, how would the B partners (the ones who got swapped) function in their sudden environment change? If both pairings are from the same fandom then disregard this question.


Becky: *farts*


If the two swapped pairs, by some crazy stretch of fictional reality bending, ended up bumping into each other in the same place, who would they conduct themselves? Could we expect civil behavior and possibly a polite ‘un-swap’ or will we be treated to epic cat and dog fights?


SkekMal would get pissy in the Emperor’s face and probably get his mug decked for it, while SkekNel crankily would tell the other females they are lucky to have a man like SkekSo.


Let’s pretend that PAP1 and PBP2 slept together. Just momentarily suspend all possible hindrances to that for a moment. How would their real partners react to being informed of this occurrence?


SkekMal would flip all the tables, break all the windows, tear down all the paintings, and scream until his throat bled.  SkenCon and SkekAna would just say “welcome to the club.” (SkekNel is pansexual and cares more about the status of her lovers than their gender. And she's fucked both SkekCon and SkekAna.)


How about if the opposite happened? PBP1 and PAP2 were the naughty ones and a little bird told PAP1 and PBP2?


SkekSo doesn’t care if they have sex with other males as long as he doesn’t have to see it, but given what a loose cannon SkekMal is, he’d probably be concerned for them.  And SkekNel would be pissed, because SkekMal’s devotion is an ego stroke for her.


Let’s say they got together and tried to have a four-way. How well does that work out?


It miiiight work if we cut SkekMal out of the picture and SkekSo didn’t have to do anything with Nel directly.  He'd throw some shade in her direction, but otherwise it wouldn't be too awkward.  With Mal in there though. Nope. Nope nope nope there will be BLOOD.


Okay back to the 5+ we were originally working with!

Rearrange your list to reflect which pairings you chose are your favourite. #1 is nearest and dearest, and then in descending order from there.

1. SkekSo & SkekCon & SkekAna

2. UrDi & UrJekk

3. SkekZok & his ladies

4. SkekMal & SkekNel

5. SkekOk & Brea

6. SkekTek & SkekLach

7. SkekAyuk & his Pit Crew

8. SkekEd & SkekAna

9. SkekVar & SkekEkt

10. SkekGra & SkekAyuk


Ta-da! You’re done! Hope you had fun, and don’t tag anyone because tagging is evil, and Podlings will come and steal your unmentionables if you do it. Just remember that anyone’s welcome to borrow and fill this out at their leisure!

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This was a collaborative meme that :iconpinkvelvetprincess: and I did for our respective OKKO personas and our love interests from the series. 

Just a little real-talk before we get starts:  I know this fandom can a little... scary when a certain villain's sexuality is made fluid in head-canons, but in our head-canons, Boxman is bi. Hell, the show showed him crushing on a guy AND a lady, so canon confirmed it as far as I'm concerned.  In my head-canon, Venomous is pansexual, and my sister from another mister and I are LGBTQ+ too in fiction and IRL, so any accusations of homophobia are gonna get an eye-roll and comment hidden.  A queer person's queerness doesn't disappear when they are in a relationship with (or crushing on) someone of the opposite sex, and anyone who thinks that needs a reality check.

Now that that's out of the way, on to the meme fun! :P

1) Introduce your pairing!

Opal Zander and LORD BOXMAN!!!

Oh, and Diana and Professor Venomous.  Double date!

2) So… how did you two meet?

Opal: Uhhh… To make a long story short, I met Boxy when I brought him the severed head of his son.


Opal: You did NOT think that the first time we met.

Boxman: YES I DID!

Venomous: Ugh. I had to hear. Every. Tiny. Detail. Including his physical reactions to seeing her.

Diana: Shall we not, please?

Venomous: I had to hear it. You all need to share the pain. Anyway, we ran into each other in the sparkling water aisle at the supermarket. She was climbing the shelves to get some flavors out of her reach.

Diana: Short people problems. Seeing him nearly made me fall off.

Boxman: Well duh, because he’s handsome!

Opal: *deep inhale*

Venomous: *facepalm*

Diana: Yup.

3) Who initiated the relationship and how?

Venomous: After I got the drink for her, so she wouldn’t break her neck, we talked for a few moments and exchanged emails.

Diana: Then I asked him out to tea a few days later.

Opal: I always love hearing that story! As for Boxy and I? He kidnapped my friend and forced her to bake a cake for our first date.

Boxman: She agreed to it!

Opal: You didn’t give her much of a choice!

Diana: What the fuck, Boxman?!

Boxman: It was VERY romantic!!! Better than Plan A, which was…. Ahahahahaha… Nevermind.

Venomous: *raised eyebrow*

4) Interesting! What was your first kiss with each other like?

Opal: Hmm… Sloppy. And he nearly broke my nose with his enthusiasm.

Venomous: Bullet dodged.

Boxman: Well I thought it was magical.

Diana: As for us, quite hot. Lots of tongue and teeth and… I’ll shut up.

5) Aww! What do you find most attractive about each other, not just physical appearance? 

Diana: He looks like Snape and has a hot voice and likes rats. How can I not want to hit that?

Venomous: *sigh* You need something to drink? Anyway, the thirst is mutual. I like her shortness.

Diana: You just like being able to do stuff for me.

Venomous: And she’s quite pretty and organized. I can’t leave anything lying around…

Opal: He makes me laugh. Its as simple as that. Also, you have to admire his “give no fucks” attitude when it comes to people judging him.

Boxman: SHE LIKES ME!!! Ahem. Well there’s her hair, which is soft and has pretty colors, and she has those biiiiig brown eyes and sweet BEAUTIFUL face, and she lets me be me despite being *mumble grumble* goody-two-shoes, oh and she’s very funny! And then there’s her butt which—

Venomous: Write a novel already…

Opal: *hides red face* BRB, gonna go die from embarrassment.

Diana: Gonna go save her. Nice going, Boxy. *whisper* Keep complimenting her!

6) Would you say you're in love?


Opal: *still hiding* Thank you Boxy. I love you too, baby.

Diana: Erm… not yet. Getting there.

Venomous: *eye twitch* Uh, sure. Whatever.

Opal: Please fall in love so I don’t have to be the only one going through this torture.

Boxman: *is smooching Opal’s hand*

7) Who would you say "Wears the pants" in the relationship?

Diana: Well I’m my own boss, but I do let him lead some things since he’s more assertive than I.

Venomous: Unless it comes to your cheese. I think Fink had nightmares.

Diana: She should have asked. I’d have given her some, according to my ‘system.’

Boxman: Of course, it’s me!!

Opal: :roll: And yet I’m the one with the power to banish you to the couch. Some things I lead, and he leads others.

8) Now for the TMI, how is your sex life with each other?

Boxman: I am SO glad you asked! *cracks knuckles* To start. She really enjoys when I bite her neck, and when I-


Venomous: Opal definitely wears the pants.  Anyway, it’s quite nice for Di and me. Light BDSM, with me dominating of course.

Diana: And teeeeeth. Lotsa teeth.

Boxman: *rubs his hands together* Speaking of lots of teeth-


10) What is the kinkiest thing you've ever done with each other? 

Venomous: Before Boxman says anything, the kinkiest thing we ever did—

Diana: Involved stuff. Opal doesn’t need to hear it.

Boxman: On my desk, on my throne, in the shower, but the best is when she’s strapped to one of these metal tables I have-


Venomous: Huh. Who knew Boxman and I had similar tastes?

Diana: SHH! He’ll never shut the fuck up now.

Boxman: I’m so glad we have another thing to relate to, best friend!

Venomous: Fuuuuuu…

Diana: *Boxman voice* Ewww, friendship! *normal* Hypocrite.

11) Ooh, how dirty! Now time for brutal honesty, what do you like the least about each other? No one is perfect, after all!

Boxman: I love her despite her being a goody two-shoes, but Cob have mercy is her preaching annoying!

Opal: What I like least about him is how he treats our children. He’s a terrible parent. I don’t want to sound full of myself but I have no idea how the kids survived before I came along.

Boxman: But I’m a GREAT father! Diana gave me a mug that says “father of the year”, with a little red heart!

Venomous: …seriously?

Diana: It was SARCASM, Boxman. You’re a terrible father. Anyway, what I like least is that that V keeps his glorbs in a chamber that you need to go through a SEWER to access. Yeah, he needs to change and bathe before I’ll go anywhere near him.

Venomous: I do not trudge through shit, okay. How many times do I have to explain—nevermind. She’s stubborn and a bit of a goody two shoes herself.  Also, have you seen her eat?

12) Ouch, that has to sting! What do you usually argue about? 


Venomous: She’s set in her ways. No sense of adventure.

Diana: If your idea of adventure is playing ball with Pennywise, count me out.

13) Have your arguments ever gotten violent?

Diana: No. Just little verbal bickers.

Boxman: *big pitiful eyes* She makes me- HER HUSBAND- sleep on the COUCH sometimes!

Diana: In what universe is that remotely violent?

Venomous: He’s just whining.

Boxman: No, I’m not whining. I’m COMPLAINING. You want whining??

Everyone else: NO!!!!

14) How do you usually make up after a fight?

Opal: Hmm. Well, Boxman’s other special talent is being the world’s biggest kiss ass. I mean, I’m not complaining…

Venomous: Ugh. Okay, so we did have one fight after the cheese incident. We apologized, sent Fink to bed, drank some wine, then the couch was not such a horrible place to be.

Diana: Yeah. That happened.

Boxman: Ah, the elusive rarity that is couch sex.

16) Is there anyone who disapproves of your relationship?

Venomous: Fink was reluctant at first, but after she found out Diana was a huge lover of rats, it was easier. And I think some irrelevant fish somewhere is butthurt, but who cares?

Opal: My poor, poor Plaza friends have been traumatized by TMI stories, so I can’t really blame them for finding our relationship gross.

Boxman: I’m merely celebrating our love! And to the villains who sneer at me being married to a non-villain- *flips the double bird*

17) Oh. That being said, do you have anyone who does support your relationship?

Opal: Surprisingly, one of his bosses supports us because I help keep the company on track, despite me not being a ‘bad guy’ per say.

Diana: Mmm… Cosma… think she’d be interested in a 3-way? Um… sorry.  Too much wine.

Venomous: Wino. Anyway, Fink is fine now, and Opal supports us. Otherwise, who honestly cares?

Opal: There’s also a sweet boy across the street who supports my relationship with Boxy, his name is KO. Of course Di here supports us, and so does Venomous… to a certain degree.

18) That's nice! Do you eventually plan to get married and/or start a family?

Diana: I am not having kids.

Venonous: Too late. Fink calls you ‘step-mom.’

Boxman: Opal and I have kids! Seven, in fact. Aaaaaaaand I’ll have you know we’re happily married!

Opal: I only produced one of them! The rest are robots.

Boxman: We should make more. *devilish grin*

19) What would you do if the other was killed?

Diana: No.

Opal: Double no. I was severely depressed when he was gone on the sun for three months, I don’t want to think of what’ll happen when he actually dies.

Venomous: I would seek out whoever was responsible and pull them apart. Atom. By. Atom.

Diana: Damn. Meet me out back.

Boxman: *deep inhale* Their skin would be my rug.  Their eyes would be the olives in my martinis.  Their skull would be my urinal.  Their intestines would be my jumprope.  I would bathe my skin in their blood and slick my hair with their bile.  And they would be alive to feel. Every. Tiny. Moment. Ahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

Diana: Wow. Is this a kid’s show or DC Universe?

Opal: Let’s go straight to your office when we get home.

20) What would most likely cause you two to end your relationship?

Diana: I don’t end relationships. I just… get other crushes.

Venomous: The fourth wall can’t stand it anymore. Stop.

Boxman: OUR relationship? END?!! IMPOSSIBLE! *slams fist down*

Opal: There there, it isn’t going to end!

21) Everyone has insecurity about infidelity, so how would you react if the other cheated?

Boxman: SHHHHHH! Don’t let her know she can do better!

Venomous: I’m sure she already knows.

Diana: Um… couch?

Venomous: Nice try. Anyway. Di has a husband in another universe and their daughter and Fink are fast friends. I’m not too worried. It is what it is. And Aku is rather attractive.

Boxman: Oh, I would be destroyed! I used to have this nightmare where Opal, Venomous and my ex Dr. Blight teamed up to form a hot threesome. *sniffle* AND THEY LAUGHED AT MEEEEE- *sobs*

Opal: … Okay. No. Never going to happen.

Venomous: Opal is very pretty, but I see her more as a sister-erm, sister-in-law, erm, friend. I can’t speak for Dr. Blight though.

Opal: Thanks, Professor. Don’t cry Boxy, I’d never hurt you like that. *is cradling the sobbing man* And I know you never would, either.

22) What do you think makes your relationship seems so interesting?


Opal: Awwww! <3


Opal: Aaaand there it is…

Venomous: Priorities… anyway, Diana is a hobbit-sized hot werewolf and I’m a glorb-addicted snake-man with sexy hair. What’s not to like?

Diana: I’m 5’3”. Hobbits are lucky to crack 4’. Ass. I love you.

Opal: Easy for you to say PV. All three of us are pretty damn short! *grump*

23) Last question, would you say you care enough about each other to save the other from impending doom, even if it cost you your own life? 

Boxman: I would just put one of the robots in the way! They’ll come back from it!

Diana: No wonder Darrell betrayed your ass, you piece of Banta fodder!

Opal: Thank you, that’s what EVERY wife wants to hear. You dick.

Venomous: You are terrible, Boxman. I like it.

Diana: Do not encourage him.

Boxman: FIIIIINE! I’d do it, but sacrificing one of the kids just makes more sense!

Venomous: Yes. She’s worth all the glorbs in the universe.

Diana: …*leaps at him* TAKE ME NOW!

Boxman: Annnnnd, that’s all, folks!

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Just wanted to give people a head's up that I may be getting rid of some old art on the near future. Not right this second obviously, but perhaps next weekend or later. I want to let you all know in case you want go save copies of favorite old pieces.

Everything that's a gift or old trade is safe.

On stuff that looks like shit but contains still-relevant headcanon I'll probably just disable comments.

I know for certain I'll be focusing on the Batman gallery. That's gotten more attention lately due to some recent movies, and frankly I look back on a lot of it with a sour taste in my mouth. It's gonna be gutted, fyi. I'll also be going through Hunger Games, WiR, and some other folders.

Save now, folks. This bitch is cleaning house.
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Stolen from :iconpastel-piggy-queen: and :iconspiketheklown:

I could have picked a character with actual interesting answers, but it's been a stressful month+ so fuck it. I'm just going for gross and silly.

1. Hello there! What's your name?

Kelly: Hi! :meow: I just pooped my pants. OH! Kelly Jackson.

2. What's your favorite color?

Kelly: Brown! :la: I like poop! 

3. Do you have some one to love? If so, who?


5. Favorite fandom?

Kelly: *smacks his own face with a hammer* I like the Saw movies!! They’re so much fun to reenact!! :la: 

6. Favorite singer?


7. Favorite cartoon?

Kelly: Happy Tree Friends!!! I tried to join, but they rejected my application. :grump: I still try it all at home though! :la:

8. How old are you?

Kelly: I don’t know… :confused: *cuts stomach open* Lemme see if I can count the rings…

9. Favorite song in Just Dance?

Kelly: I like Bad Romance better!

10. Favorite TV shows? 

Kelly: Uuuuummmmm… I like Game of Thrones. I tried to audition for Theon Greyjoy, but then I found out it was all staged. :grump:

11. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Kelly: I have a sibling!! :la:

Ace: Hello everyone… good lord Kelly, stop crapping your pants! 

Kelly: Hehe, nope! :meow:

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Tagged by :iconamnshe-wolf:

Cheating a bit since I'm frankly too tired to do it the long way. It's been a week!

Through the twelve days of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
12 theater tickets, 11 pencil sets, 10 iTunes gift cards, 9 Netflix months, 8 wanted movies, 7 reams of paper, 6 pieces of chocolate, 5 *censored*, 4 packs-o-Duracells, 3 weeks of groceries, 2 champagne bottles, and big honking chunk of money!

Kelly: Oo!! Oo!! Can I do it??

Me: Well.... since my ideas were kinda boring, have at it. Consider it your Xmas present. Proceed with caution, reader.

Kelly: Ahem! La la LA LA LA LAAAAAA! 

Through twelve days of Christmas my true love gave to me.
12 tubs of feces, 11 impalings, 10 baths of acid, 9 spiky tentacles, 8 electric shocks, 7 jugs-o-urine, 6 draw-n-quarters, 5 ROOT CANAAAALS, 4 rusty nail-beds, 3 Judas cradles, 2 burning wedgies and a cactus up my weenie!

Skin by ShadowJournals
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Dark Crystal AoR Shipping Meme (contains SPOILERS) by 13foxywolf666, journal

Have A Couple Meme After A Million Years by 13foxywolf666, journal

Possible Art Purge by 13foxywolf666, journal

Mini-Interview Meme by 13foxywolf666, journal

12 Days Challenge by 13foxywolf666, journal